Monday, February 28, 2011

"If you don't risk anything, you risk more"

To me this quote is very true. In life it's necessary to take chances or else you won't get anywhere or get things you want. When you want something, you should try your hardest to achieve it. Being afraid is normal, but if you let that get in the way of what you want or who you want, you'll always wonder what could be, or what if. In life you must have confidence; holding back will get you nowhere. For me I'd rather try and get hurt, opposed to trying and getting hurt. Bad things happen in life but you always move on. I would rather get my feelings hurt instead of sitting there for a long period of time always wondering what could've happened and how different my life would be if I took a chance and shared the way I felt instead of being insecure and scared. By not attempting to get things you want, you could end up alone for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

I think the most important skills that I will need for my post high school life are things like basic math and science knowledge, how to read and write well, and common sense. You also need to be able to deal with problems yourself, and be able to figure things out on your own. I think we have already developed the educational part of what we need to know, but now we are learning more then we actually need to know. The things I’m learning in math 11 will never have any relevance to my life. We need to start learning more about fending for ourselves and what it will actually be like in the real world other then the things we don’t need to know for what we want to do with our lives. The perfect school in my opinion would be to have the basics of all courses for grades 5-10, and then for 11-12 we only take courses that we need for what we want to do, and actually get to experience that career before we actually set our minds to it. We would get to choose the classes we take instead of having ones that are required to graduate. Next year I’m taking the business administration course at Okanagan College. I’m not sure what I want to do yet, but by taking this course there are many choices. I chose to take the diploma first, and if I like it I will proceed onto the bachelor’s degree.


If I could choose any superpower, it would be to choose whatever clothes I wanted to wear at that exact moment. Sometimes I have a really hard time deciding what to wear to school or out for dinner, because I get really sick of the clothes that I have. I always develop new tastes and change the way I want to dress, and it can become very annoying when I change my style and all I have to wear is the stuff I don't like anymore. Having the ability to choose and think up things I could wear would be spectacular. It would also be nice because the clothes I would pick would fit perfectly. Therefore having this superpower would be greatly beneficial, and it would make my life a lot easier in the morning.