Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

1) Yes, I think it's important to be passionate about the career you choose to an extent. Going to a job you don't enjoy or you despise every day would be dreadful. You must be passionate about what you choose, but also be realistic. Most family member's of mine and friend's of my parents that I know have a career that they like. Some of them are very social, and have jobs where they have to interact with people every day, and they enjoy that. Others, are more confident behind closed doors and have very independent jobs. Either way, most of them are happy that I know of. I couldn't go to a job every day for most of the day, not enjoying my time. The job I choose probably won't be glamorous, and obviously it won't be easy and fun all of the time, but I won't pick a job that I will dread going to.
2) After graduation, I'm taking a business course at Okanagan College. I'm not sure if I'm taking the 2 year or 4 year program yet, just because I want to see if I like it first. After getting either a diploma or bachelor's degree, I could see myself working in an Events Center, or even being some sort of financial worker at the bank. I'm not sure yet what I want to be, but by taking a business course, I have varied selection which seems like a good choice to me. If I don't like it, at least I'll have some sort of an idea of what I might be interested in, and I can pursue that by taking more classes. I can see myself living in Vancouver once all my schooling is done, and hopefully having a career that I like, and that I have at least some passion for.

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