Friday, May 20, 2011

One Tree Hill Review

A popular TV series directed at youth called One Tree Hill, has been on air since 2003. I've watched the series ever since it began. I've noticed that since the fifth season hit, the dramatic, yet comical television show that erupted from the creative minds of the CW, has gone downhill. The first season is filled with love triangles, car accidents, a psychotic father, and two half brothers who can't bare to be around each other who wind up on the same basketball team. The following three seasons were stupendous and brimming with breathtaking and emotional events. During the first four seasons, the actors played a part in highschool, which all of us viewers related to. We related to their problems, their feelings, basically every thing teenagers fight through throughout highschool. The fourth season was the last season they played the part of highschool students. As the fifth season began, it was four years later. The series was still satisfactory, but it didn't compare to the previous well-known hit. It's currently on the eighth season, and to me, it feels like the writers are continuously attempting to produce an interesting story-line, but they're just not succeeding. Once in a while, there will be captivating and intriguing episodes. However, in the first four seasons, there would be entertaining episodes that kept the audience on their toes every week. The seasons keep coming, and hopefully the producers will start to realize that the show that they keep going, doesn't have the spark that it used to.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

1) Yes, I think it's important to be passionate about the career you choose to an extent. Going to a job you don't enjoy or you despise every day would be dreadful. You must be passionate about what you choose, but also be realistic. Most family member's of mine and friend's of my parents that I know have a career that they like. Some of them are very social, and have jobs where they have to interact with people every day, and they enjoy that. Others, are more confident behind closed doors and have very independent jobs. Either way, most of them are happy that I know of. I couldn't go to a job every day for most of the day, not enjoying my time. The job I choose probably won't be glamorous, and obviously it won't be easy and fun all of the time, but I won't pick a job that I will dread going to.
2) After graduation, I'm taking a business course at Okanagan College. I'm not sure if I'm taking the 2 year or 4 year program yet, just because I want to see if I like it first. After getting either a diploma or bachelor's degree, I could see myself working in an Events Center, or even being some sort of financial worker at the bank. I'm not sure yet what I want to be, but by taking a business course, I have varied selection which seems like a good choice to me. If I don't like it, at least I'll have some sort of an idea of what I might be interested in, and I can pursue that by taking more classes. I can see myself living in Vancouver once all my schooling is done, and hopefully having a career that I like, and that I have at least some passion for.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Novel Research

The novel "Candy" written by Kevin Brooks, revolves around drugs, prostitution and love. So far, a big theme in my book is prostitution. They live in London so I'm going to talk about prostitution in London, since it's somewhat a big thing there. In London, it's illegal to pay for sex from someone younger then 18 years old. I wonder how old Candy is, because she seems young, so she could be doing it illegally. Although prostitution is legal in London, pimping, soliciting and running a brothel is illegal. Another act which is illegal is called kerb crawling. A kerb crawler is one who drives around areas known for prostitution, looking for sex. It's called kerb crawling because usually these people drive slowly by the curbs looking for the prostitutes. It is estimated that 80,000 people are involved in prostitution in the UK, including around 5,000 children.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Insidious" Movie Review

"Insidious" is one of the movies that's currently in theatres right now. It has been very popular compared to other horror movies. This movie goes to another extent of scary. The storyline is unlike other typical scary movies, as it's not about someone getting possessed, it has more depth and meaning behind it. A family moves into a new home, and shortly after their youngest son slips into a coma and strange events begin to occur. It seems as if their house is haunted, but throughout the movie the truth comes out. "Insidious" is one of the scariest movies yet, from start to finish viewers shake with fear. It leaves one guessing throughout the whole film. Not only do you tremble and scream many times during the movie, the ending is shocking beyond belief.

Writing A Review

Monday, April 11, 2011

Perils of Indifference

  • 1. The Power of Not Caring

  • 2. In the story "The Lottery", there are parts that remind me of highschool and growing up. There are large displays of peer pressure, which is demonstrated in highschool a lot. I see it all the time, but although I'm not usually a part of it, I understand that it's common in our society. Another connection I have with the story is from movies. In various movies there's a story line where a child grows up in an abusive family, and when they're older they may think it's right to be violent and hurt others. They don't know much better because they were raised that way and have no understanding of a good home life. This is similar to the story because most people in that village are okay with stoning and they're used to it. They were born in that society, so that's how they go about their lives.

  • 3. Elie Wiesel's speech"Perils of Indifference" relates to the story "The lottery" in the way in which not caring about others can be dangerous. Being raised in a certain way can allow your feelings and emotions to vanish, making not caring about other's possible. When you don't care you can easily hurt people, and if many people don't care the world can become hectic and many deaths could take place. All the references made in the speech, such as the holocaust, were started by someone not caring, and having a great amount of power.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Polar Bear Swim

In my opinion, I find the perception of boys and girls completely different. Each gender worries about different things, or doesn't worry at all. I feel that the girls that are participating in the polar bear swim are worried about not being tanned, being too fat, etc. Girls always worry about how they look, especially when a lot of your grad class is watching. They feel like everyone is judging them and staring at every move. One of the least worries for the girls that ARE taking place in this event, are the cold temperature of the lake. Girls feel this way and worry so much because society has made it that way. The causes vary from TV to magazines. We all watch TV and most of us compare ourselves to edited video or pictures of models in magazines. Although we've seen commercials displaying the edits being done, none of us really pay attention to that and still want to look like these fake people. Boys on the other hand aren't worried about being pale and not having a prefect body. From what I've heard they're not even worried about the cold water, they're ready to go. Many of the girls are too nervous to even put their toes in the lake, so I don't think many are doing it. Even some of the boys are too scared to do it, so it's not even really a grad event. A lot of my fellow grads that I talk to are poor sports. They don't feel like this is one of our last events as a grad class together before we graduate. We're supposed to unite and have fun, it may be cold but it would be a day to remember as a part of our grad year. I don't understand why everyone has to act like they're "too cool" for the annual grad polar bear swim. Personally, I know if I didn't participate in grad events I would regret it during the following years. I'm prepared for this cold event to take place!

Monday, February 28, 2011

"If you don't risk anything, you risk more"

To me this quote is very true. In life it's necessary to take chances or else you won't get anywhere or get things you want. When you want something, you should try your hardest to achieve it. Being afraid is normal, but if you let that get in the way of what you want or who you want, you'll always wonder what could be, or what if. In life you must have confidence; holding back will get you nowhere. For me I'd rather try and get hurt, opposed to trying and getting hurt. Bad things happen in life but you always move on. I would rather get my feelings hurt instead of sitting there for a long period of time always wondering what could've happened and how different my life would be if I took a chance and shared the way I felt instead of being insecure and scared. By not attempting to get things you want, you could end up alone for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

I think the most important skills that I will need for my post high school life are things like basic math and science knowledge, how to read and write well, and common sense. You also need to be able to deal with problems yourself, and be able to figure things out on your own. I think we have already developed the educational part of what we need to know, but now we are learning more then we actually need to know. The things I’m learning in math 11 will never have any relevance to my life. We need to start learning more about fending for ourselves and what it will actually be like in the real world other then the things we don’t need to know for what we want to do with our lives. The perfect school in my opinion would be to have the basics of all courses for grades 5-10, and then for 11-12 we only take courses that we need for what we want to do, and actually get to experience that career before we actually set our minds to it. We would get to choose the classes we take instead of having ones that are required to graduate. Next year I’m taking the business administration course at Okanagan College. I’m not sure what I want to do yet, but by taking this course there are many choices. I chose to take the diploma first, and if I like it I will proceed onto the bachelor’s degree.


If I could choose any superpower, it would be to choose whatever clothes I wanted to wear at that exact moment. Sometimes I have a really hard time deciding what to wear to school or out for dinner, because I get really sick of the clothes that I have. I always develop new tastes and change the way I want to dress, and it can become very annoying when I change my style and all I have to wear is the stuff I don't like anymore. Having the ability to choose and think up things I could wear would be spectacular. It would also be nice because the clothes I would pick would fit perfectly. Therefore having this superpower would be greatly beneficial, and it would make my life a lot easier in the morning.